Focus on the Lussac-Saint-Emilion appellation: soil, climate, topography, grape will know the essentials of this satellite appellation of Saint-Emilion.
Focus on the Lussac-Saint-Emilion appellation: soil, climate, topography, grape will know the essentials of this satellite appellation of Saint-Emilion.
After three years of conversion, our vineyard has just obtained Organic Agriculture (AB) certification, crowning nearly a decade of work.
The harvest has just ended. The vinification of the grapes has begun in the cellar. Light on this crucial stage in the year of the wine grower.
Do you know the missions of a winemaker? Let's focus on this ancient, demanding and rewarding profession.
The conservation of wine, in particular for wines to age, must be considered before setting up your wine cellar. Follow our advice to take full advantage of the ageing potential and aromas of your wines when tasting them.
Agroforestry, a practice gradually brought back into fashion. Do you know the benefits, particularly for viticulture?
The South West of France is a rich wine-growing but also culinary terroir . Discover this 100% South-West menu suggestion and our food and wine pairings!
Having become essential or even trivialized by its almost exclusive use throughout the world, the glass bottle is the final showcase of the wine and the object of a multitude of choices on the part of the winemaker.
One of the oldest wine brotherhoods in the world finds its raison d'être at the heart of more than 2000 years of history between men and the vine: the Jurade of Saint-Emilion.
Are you looking for a venue for your professional meetings and team-building activities? Have you ever considered the calm setting of a vineyard?
Are you a wine lover? Do you know the art of tasting? Follow our guide and advice for a successful wine tasting.
What if you bought your wine directly from the producer? We tell you some of the advantages...
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